I spend a lot of time thinking about the elusive and indescribable force that compels us through our individual lives, the instinct that keeps us convinced there is something more. I'm taken with the mystery of it all.
Why does the entire universe seem like an infinite pattern... like a fractal-ing bridge between the micro and macrocosmic realms of existence? Scientifically... spiritually - how can that be? The absurd and opulent, the dark, the beautiful - what does it all mean?
This is the central (albeit meandering) exploration in my Soul Combustion Series.
Soul Combustion
this sense of being a part of something,
of being a part of everything
that ever was
all at once
true connectedness
radiating out, shining down
brimming, flowing, bursting
with painfully perfect beauty
self floating somewhere near
the point at which everywhere
collides with nowhere